Polyamine catabolism in plant development and defense responses

Seminario IMAB

Polyamine catabolism in plant development and defense responses
Paraskevi Tavladoraki

Polyamines are catabolized by two families of amine oxidases, the copper amine oxidases and the FAD-dependent polyamine oxidases. These enzymes differ in substrate specificity, catalytic mechanism and subcellular localization. Here, information on the biochemical properties, subcellular localization and expression pattern of these enzymes will be summarized. Also, advances in understanding their mode of regulation and function, as well as their crosstalk with different intracellular and extracellular metabolic pathways and developmental programs will be discussed. Key areas of future research will be additionally addressed.

Paraskevi Tavladoraki is Associate Professor of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology in Department of Science, University Roma Tre (Italy). Her research deals with antibody production in transgenic plants, physiological, biochemical and molecular studies on plant development and defense responses, among other topics.

Viernes 5 de Febrero de 2021

Institute for multidisciplinary research in applied biology (IMAB)

Seminario IMAB